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Salary vs Dividend Calculator – Now Available

Our new calculator allows you compare the impact of distributing a profit all as salary against reducing this to a small salary plus dividends, along with the additional employer pension contribution that could be made.

The calculator also includes:

  • Simple data entry – With only four inputs required you can produce comprehensive results.
  • Partial profit distribution – The corporation tax rate will be based on the total profit not just the amount being distributed.
  • Annual allowance – Inputs available to enable the calculations to add a warning if the additional pension contribution will exceed your client’s annual allowance.
  • Employment allowance – Ability to include available employment allowance to increase the amount of Small Salary available.
  • Include other incomes – Ability to include a range of different incomes for a full income tax calculation. We can account for dividend income, other savings income, as well as including pension contributions and charitable giving.
  • Straight forward results – Immediately see the net income available from each comparison and the additional employers pension contribution that could be made.
  • Comprehensive income tax breakdown – The calculator includes a full income tax breakdown for each distribution method. 
  • Clear graphical outputs – On the results you will see a clear bar chart illustrating the net income and tax payable for each method.
  • Comprehensive report – The client friendly comprehensive report includes a clear and concise analysis that can help you assess the tax implications of each distribution method. The report as always can be branded with your company logo and colour scheme.
  • Ability to save inputs – Revisit the calculator for easy comparison without the need to re-enter any inputs.

Find out more

For further details on the Salary vs Dividend Calculator, please contact us.